A glamorous poker player and her coach have insisted she did not use a vibrating ring to cheat during a Las Vegas poker tournament – and blamed her bizarre behavior on her ‘sexist’ rival.

Robbi Jade Lew and trainer Faraz Jaka last night shot down accusations she used the device to beat Garrett Adelstein out of $269,000.

The 35-year-old former pharmaceutical worker said ‘nailed it’ as she retweeted a post from fellow player Matt Glantz saying ‘she feels men are always trying to run her over’.

Meanwhile Jaka shared a lengthy Twitter thread arguing cheating would have been ‘very out of character’ for her and claimed she did not understand her hand.

Lew stunned the poker world on Thursday at the Hustler Casino Live game from Las Vegas as she went all-in with a Jack high and won the $269,000 pot.

Her flabbergasted rival Adelstein, a top player in livestreamed no-limit hold ’em, openly accused her of cheating by using a ‘device hidden that simply vibrates to indicate you have the best hand’. ‘Nailed it,’ Robbi Jade Lew, wrote, retweeting professional player Glantz’s sexism-driven driven interpretation of her brazen all-in move.

He had written: ‘She thought she had J3. She feels men are always trying to run her over & she’s dying make big calls.

‘She was embarrassed she actually had J4 & told nonsensical fibs in an attempt to cover up an innocent mistake. If she had turned over J3, Garrett would have said ‘nice hand’.’

Lew’s coach Jaka also tweeted out his view of the match, saying it appeared his student did not understand her hand when she made the move, and that cheating would have been ‘very out of character’ for her.’Having worked w/ her over the last year, cheating would be very out of character from my interactions with Robbie,’ her wrote.’Robbi’s only been playing for about a year. Like any new player, she has trouble repeating back HHs & mixes up terminology.’ Footage from the match showed bizarre behavior from Lew, which some fans say is evidence of a cheating scheme which would have required her to work with another person monitoring […]

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