10 Mobile Apps That Were Banned From App Stores

The fine line between censorship and freedom of choice in the app market can be a murky area, and with more apps being developed than ever, some apps have been under heavy controversy that ultimately led to their banishment from the Google Play and Apple App Store markets.

While some clear offenders may have deserved it, others, such as Metadata+, seem stranger and may have uncovered larger conspiracies. While some apps were able to stay up for a while before removal, others were taken down within a matter of hours or days. 10/10 Grooveshark: Banned From Google Play

When your app is published and pulled from the Google Play Store multiple times, it is a sign that it has attracted attention from both users and lawyers. Grooveshark was a Pandora alternative for those who did not live in the United States.

While the app some extremely popular among users, Google finally took notice when the Recording Industry Association of America filed a complaint. Grooveshark was relatively young amongst tech standards, so the legal battles that followed ultimately resulted in the app closing down its business. 9/10 Rush Poker: Banned From Google Play

Any gambling-related app is always going to come under extra moderation and heightened scrutiny, and while time management is something everyone wishes they were better at, Rush Poker did not help with that at all. While apps like FanDuel, Draftkings, and several others are routine now, before them, there were gambling apps like Rush Poker.

Rush Poker was an addicting online poker app that had the makings to be great. However, the app was unregulated. Real money was being used to gamble (which was a hot topic as it is now), and to make matters worse, underage users could frequent the app since there was no age verification. 8/10 Metadata+: Banned From Apple Store

Smartphones, at one time, were used to take a break from the real world. So when one programmer and digital artist named Josh Begley released Metadata+, the notifications of drone strikes broke this “relaxation” philosophy Apple was going for.

The app sent push notifications whenever drone strikes […]

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