More tournaments, increasing offerings, better accessibility, and more online following are all boosting the level of Asian poker play, notes Neil Johnson, President of the Asian Poker Tour .

Ahead of the group’s 12-day event in Taipei, the expert points out the difference between the skill game and casino games, as well as the opportunities and threats from AI and vlogging. We’re joined today by Neil Johnson, the president of the Asian Poker Tour. Thank you for being with us.

Thank you very much for having me. You guys have an exciting event which is coming up on the 28 th of February, in Taipei. How has the interest been so far ramping up to it?

Everybody’s really excited about it. Taipei was a fantastic launch for our new era last year, had absolutely record numbers for that region. And so coming back this year, we just want to get bigger and better. That’s the goal of every operator everywhere. So, we’ve added a number of tournaments to the schedule, increased our high rollers, buy ins, added in mixed games, things like that.

And our Early Bird high rollers, which is a package we offer, if you basically agree to buy into the high roller, the super high roller, the superstar, things like that, we cut a deal on the hotels with you, and all of those have already sold out. And we’re still a month away. So, it’s absolutely looking like it’s going to be another record-setting event in Taipei. And we’re all really excited about it. What are the actual buy-ins? What’s the lowest and what’s the highest?

Well, we’re basically down anything from about $150 working all the way up to $25,000. Obviously, it’s in TWD and local currency. But the baseline is: for this event, about $150 all the way up to $25,000. That opens up the field of play to a lot of players, not only within Asia, but coming from further abroad. I know some people do do the long hauls. So I do want to ask, in regards to […]

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