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Matt Affleck vs. Andrew Rodgers

Matt Affleck raised to 1,500 preflop from the hijack, and the big blind called to come along for a flop dealt J93. The big blind then bet 800, Affleck raised, and the big blind called before the turn fell 10.

The big blind bet 6,200, and Affleck called before the river delivered the 9. Both players checked, the big blind showed A6, but Affleck topped him with J10 scoring two-pair. Affleck held 44,100 after the hand, and Rodgers was at 30,000.

Matt Affleck – 44,100 (73 bb)
Andrew Rodgers – 30,000 (50 bb)

Player Tags: Matt Affleck , Andrew Rodgers Level 6 Begins

Posted: Thu, Sep 19, 24, 2:59 PM

Blinds are up to 300-600 with a big blind ante of 600 for level 6. Eric Baldwin Eliminated by Alton Weaver
Posted: Thu, Sep 19, 24, 2:36 PMThere was over 20,000 in the pot with the board reading 9762 when Eric Baldwin bet 12,600 on the hijack. Alton Weaver check-raised to 25,500 on the big blind, and Baldwin reraised all in. Weaver called to cover so they flipped over their cards.Weaver: J10 Baldwin: AARiver: 7Baldwin was eliminated from the tournament, but he quickly bought back into the field. Weaver stacked up 97,000 after collecting the pot.Alton Weaver – 97,000 (194 bb) Eric Baldwin – Eliminated Player Tags: Eric Baldwin Level 5 Begins Posted: Thu, Sep 19, 24, 2:19 PMBlinds are up to 300-500 with a big blind ante of 500 for level 5. Chip Count Update Posted: Thu, Sep 19, 24, 1:51 PM Here is a look at the current chip counts in the field.Wesley Remmer (pictured right) – 114,600 Sergei Kislinski – 55,500 Alton Weaver – 51,300 Amit Shah – 43,900 Johnny Pham – 43,500 Eric Baldwin – 42,000 Hal Marcus – 41,000 James Agate – 40,000 Barry Shulman – 40,000 Christine Boyko – 40,000 Joe Bartholdi – 40,000 James Romero – 40,000 Kevin Theodore – 37,600 Joseph Alban – […]

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