Mike Postle Claims to Owe his Mum More Than $80k amid Bankruptcy Battle

Alleged poker cheat Mike Postle has listed his mother as his biggest creditor as he fights to avoid bankruptcy. Among twenty-five companies and people he claims to owe, more than $80k of the $270k+ total are loans from his own mum.

The incredible revelation comes as Postle faces potential bankruptcy over the $55k debt he owes to Veronica Brill and Todd Witteles , following their successful legal challenge for expenses after Postle withdrew his libel lawsuit.

A California bankruptcy court is currently considering the involuntary-bankruptcy petition filed against him by Brill and Witteles, and the new figures were included in Postle’s latest filing with the court.

Of the 25 separate debts Postle claims to owe, he states that $82,113 is due to his own mother , who helped to fund his legal battle with ex-wife, Sabina Johnson .

An accompanying note to the amount states: “Loans for multiple family court and previous attorneys needed.” Adding the $54,727 owed in total to Brill and Witteles, who both won their separate anti-SLAPP lawsuits earlier this year, that leaves about half of Postle’s claimed debts to be accounted for .

It appears that as many as 20 of those creditors are online loans or credit card companies , with apparently fully-maxed-out balances on almost all of them . This could, however, be another attempt by Postle to abuse the system , using his likely impending bankruptcy to discharge recently-accrued debt.

We reported earlier this month on Postle’s continued efforts to have the involuntary bankruptcy case dismissed , and this latest filing – having missed a deadline last month – included further attempts to denigrate Brill’s attorney, Marc J. Randazza .

Postle’s focus was on the GoFundMe campaign that Brill launched to raise the legal fees to fight Postle’s now-dead $330million libel lawsuit .

The entry of $27,745 owed to Randazza’s law firm on Postle’s updated creditor list notes: “These attorney fees were raised and collected through a GoFundMe that was put together by his client [Brill], sneakily with a previously unknown member of his firm as the beneficiary. The firm is attempting to be paid twice on this debt.” As […]

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