Many states drafted their laws on live gambling decades ago. Therefore, most people who live in these jurisdictions have a good idea on what they legally can and can’t gamble on.

Online gambling laws , however, are a different story. Despite the existence of internet gambling for over a quarter century, some states haven’t got around to updating their laws

That said, you might have no idea on if your state bans betting online. If you’re in the dark, you should check out the following post, which discusses several states that outlaw internet gambling. States that Explicitly Ban Online Gambling

In most states, mobile gambling is either regulated or a gray area. The latter case means that a state hasn’t taken a strong stance for or against the activity.

However, the following 6 states leave no doubt about the matter. They have all outlawed internet gambling as it pertains to operators and/or players. Louisiana

The Bayou State specifically mentions that “gambling by computer” where one “risks the loss of anything of value in order to realize a profit” is illegal.

It goes on to note that people can’t legally gamble via “the Internet, World Wide Web, or any part thereof by way of any computer, computer system, computer network, computer software, or any server.”

Few states ban online gambling as succinctly as Louisiana. Their penal code has some teeth behind it too because a first offense is punishable by up to six months in jail. Luckily, nobody has ever been busted for this crime in the Bayou State. Montana

The Big Sky State was one of the first jurisdictions to prohibit online gambling. It did so in 2005 through statute 23-5-112 (21)(a).This penal code notes that it’s illegal to offer “internet gambling, by whatever name known” and accept any form of payment for this service.Montana’s anti-internet gambling law is aimed at operators. Therefore, you don’t need to worry about getting busted as a player. Oregon According to Statue 167.019, “A person engaged in an Internet gambling business many not knowingly accept” money from Oregon residents. This law adds that accepting unlawful gambling payments […]

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