Poker group chips in for humane society

Rock Springs poker player Christina Serafini helped organize the Red Desert Humane Society poker fundraiser earlier this month. She presented a $520 check to the RDHS with Justine Wilkins and his daughter Presley. Red Desert Humane Society photo ROCK SPRINGS — National Card Playing Day is Wednesday, December 29. People are encouraged to celebrate by inviting friends to deal out a hand and play a game or two.

About 22 Sweetwater County players gathered to play the Red Desert Humane Society Poker Tournament at Buckin’ Bar in Green River on Dec. 11.

According to Rock Springs poker player Christina Serafini, she helped organize the event because she has “a very strong and very big heart when it comes for the love of animals of all kinds.”

“It breaks my heart when I see posts and videos online of helpless pets that don’t have a voice and don’t have the care or supplies,” Serafini expressed. “I try and help wherever and whenever I can so that the pets don’t have to suffer.

“Our poker group is very close and we are always willing to help where help is needed without a doubt.”

“The humane society have great morals and dedication,” she said. “They are selfless.

“They take their time to ensure the safety and wellbeing of these animals.”

She said that she will always support an organization that will always have a helping hand to any pet that needs it.

She has two male mini red tri-Aussies.Serafini has been a poker player for eleven years. Her former husband Kevin invited her to play with him and his family at the Eagles and since then, she hasn’t stopped.“The company that comes along with playing poker is rewarding enough,” she pointed out. “I enjoy the camaraderie the most.“It is a good time and place to see your poker friends who are like family and it’s a great way to meet new people in the community. But overall, it’s a great time to talk and let loose!”The group kept playing for seven hours and raised $520 for RDHS.Poker is a game of skill in the long run, according to Rock Springs […]

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