Alex Fitzgerald credit: PokerGO Get a Free Training Package at

You’re not going to grow as a poker player if you do the same things every single day. You need to experiment to expand your game.

What experiments should you try on the felt? Try one of these five challenges and see what it does for you. My students have reported great success from trying these methods.

1. Go Two Weeks Without Bluffing

One of my students recently accomplished this challenge, and they were surprised that they were still getting paid on their bets by the end.

No one is paying attention at the table. You don’t need to run bluffs to get paid off. Most people hate folding any decent hand they flopped. They’ll find a way to justify how “this time is different.”

I’ve gone five hours while barely playing a hand in $10,000 events. Then, I triple barrel top pair for three streets versus someone.

Do you think how tight I’ve played all day gets people to fold? Nope. They still call off their stacks with their second pairs. It’s wild. If there is a missed flush draw out there, that’s immediately what they want to put you on.

You can take advantage of how people don’t want to fold anymore by bluffing less. To realize how little you need to bluff, go for two weeks without running a single bluff. I bet you’ll be stunned at how much action you still get. 2. Try Three Triple Barrel Bluffs Once you realize how tight you can play, switch things up with three triple barrel bluffs.Most people are afraid to run triple barrel bluffs. This means there’s a huge tool in their game they don’t have.Start with a basic situation. Raise and get the big blind to call you. When the big blind calls you out of position you can rule out A-Q+ and 10-10+, because they most likely would have three-bet those hands preflop.Let the board come with some high cards. Say A-Q-X. On this board, you can fire multiple streets if you believe they’re disciplined enough to fold one […]

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