David Kaye: Why I Gave Up My Office Job To Pursue Poker Full-Time

If you’re interested in the gambling industry, you have probably heard of the job title “professional poker player.” But if someone told you they are a “poker content creator,” you’d probably look at them as if they just made something up.

This is a look I’m beginning to become familiar with.

Since I graduated from college in 2014, I’ve held what many people would consider traditional corporate jobs. In a typical week, I would go to an office (or during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, my home office), log on my computer every weekday at 8 a.m., and then log off around 5 p.m.

But on September 2, 2021, I made the decision to leave my current position to pursue becoming a poker content creator in the Michigan online poker sector full-time. A ‘poker content creator’ isn’t as strange as it sounds

So, back to that whole “poker content creator” conundrum. The way I usually explain it? A poker content creator makes media based around poker that will be consumed by others. In my case, I run a live stream on my Twitch channel (with a 5-minute delay) where others can watch me play as well as talk through the chat. David Kaye I also have a YouTube channel where I upload vlogs of my play (usually 10-12 minutes) along with other videos based around poker. Now, thanks to PlayMichigan , I can add writing a blog to the list of things I do.

As one can imagine, taking on a big professional career shift doesn’t happen overnight. It all goes back to when I decided to start creating content in July 2020.

At that time, we were a few months into the pandemic. We were at the height of the lockdowns in Michigan, which meant no casinos were open to play poker.

I really enjoyed poker as a hobby and I wanted to play, especially since I couldn’t do many of the other things I like to do with my time. So, I picked up online poker. COVID-19 pandemic creates live poker gap

I had played online poker in the past, but most of my […]

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