LeBron’s Hairline: The Greatest NBA Comeback of All-Time

Gregory Shamus/Getty Images (left), Sean M. Haffey/Getty Images (right) I had called it quits. I was finished. I was sipping a daiquiri on the beach with a rekindled love who got away 25 years ago. Life was good. Life was simple.

A call from my old partner changed everything. You see, I had a white whale — an unsolved case that had been on my desk for a majority of my career. I had been reamed by my superiors for ignoring their advice to leave it alone. Suspended for two weeks without pay. Demoted to the mail room.

All for what? Nothing. 30 years on the job, and I still wasn’t able to crack it.

“Joe, we have a new lead,” he said. I dropped my daquiri. “You’re kidding,” I responded in the middle of ordering another drink. “The case went cold years ago. What changed?”

“One word” he said. “Sheesh”

I took off my sunglasses, stared intensely into the distance and started writing a note to my beloved.

“Honey, I’m sorry I have to miss bingo at Dave’s On the Beach tonight. Something came up at home. I need to go back. If I don’t return in two days, wait longer.”

The destination? Los Angeles, California. The mission? Figure out how LeBron James’ hair made the greatest comeback in NBA history. There and Back Again: LeBron James’ Hairline

Michael J. LeBrecht II/Sports Illustrated via Getty Images February 10, 2002 : High school phenom LeBron James is introduced to the general public on the cover of Sports Illustrated . Remember, this is a kid who could barely drive. There’s not much hair-wise here, but seeing his full head of hair at a young age gives a yardstick. The only advice I could give is to advise older LeBron to advise younger LeBron to not sign Russell Westbrook. G Fiume via Getty Images November 19, 2003 : Cleveland Cavaliers rookie LeBron James warms up for a game against the Washington Wizards. This is a rare shot because LeBron wore a headband for the first half of his NBA career. Again, another yardstick. September 30, 2007 : […]

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