New Aussie Friends Made Konstantin Held’s WPT Cambodia Win ‘Surreal’

Five months after befriending Josh Mccully at WPT Australia, Konstantin Held played Mccully heads up for the WPT Cambodia title with a rail full of Australians cheering them on.

Konstantin Held celebrated his WPT Cambodia victory surrounded by friends he made in Australia last year, including his heads-up opponent Josh Mccully. Friendship is a funny thing in the world of poker, especially when it comes to tournaments. The same people who you’re battling against for titles and life-changing sums of money are the ones you grab a late-night meal with and talk through hand histories and theories with.

It’s rare in such an individualistic pursuit as poker that two friends can come out of the same event with a significant victory. And yet when it does happen in just the right way, the tense atmosphere that surrounds the endgame of a tournament can become a scene of celebration.

The tableside vibe in the final moments at WPT Cambodia can best be described as joyous, and even as Germany’s Konstantin Held bested Australian Josh Mccully to capture the first-ever WPT Main Tour title contested in Southeast Asia, the considerable Australian rail and Mccully himself were all smiles.

It was the culmination of a five-month adventure during which Held and Mccully became fast friends, traveled all over Asia adventuring and playing poker, and ultimately got to battle for a WPT title as they won a combined sum of over $638,000.

And it all started when Held, a longtime online poker player, took his 2023 mission of expanding his horizons on the live poker scene down under.

“I got to know the Australians back in September when I went down [to WPT Australia],” said Held. As it can happen in poker , through an improbable trail of connections – friends of friends of friends – Held, flying solo in Australia, forged his own bond with the crew of Aussie pros.

Among that crew, he met Mccully.

“Joshua was obviously a great player, so we just immediately clicked and started talking hands and everything, and got along very well off the tables,” said Held.Neither Held nor Mccully did much […]

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