Online-Casino: How and why did they get so popular

In 1994 two major events paved the way for the development of the online casino: First, the Caribbean state Antigua and Barbuda passed a law that legalized online casinos and second, the software company Microgaming was founded. Exactly this company created the first perfectly functioning online casino named The Gaming Club. The only problem was however that the software lacked a secure financial transaction method.

The solution for that problem was provided in 1995, when the brothers Andrew and Mark Rivkin founded another software company named Cryptologic. This company specialized in real money transactions via the internet. One year later, InterCasino got online – the first ever online casino, which happened to have an online real money stake. Photo by Micha? Parzuchowski on Unsplash A winner from the start

This was the start for many others to also get into the business and build an online casino platform. Within a few years the field got extremely competitive. At the end of 1998 there happened to be more than 700 online casinos as well as the first online poker rooms. Everyone tried to be the biggest and the best. This concurrency between the providers of online casinos improved the quality of the games and software continuously and increased the popularity amongst the players. What are the advantages of online casinos?

Additionally, online casinos got so popular because they had some advantages that attracted many people. One of the most important reasons is probably that no one has to leave the house in order to gamble.

The customers can just compare online casinos , choose the best one and then start playing. No matter the time of a day, because everyone can access any online casino 365 days a year 24 hours. No normal casino can offer those conditions to their customers. Also, the playing itself is easy because the providers are trying to make the handling of the games as intuitive and accessible as possible. International networking, round-the-clock accessibility and more games

Another big reason for the popularity of online casinos is the fact that one can play with others all over […]

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