Poker: A Classic Casino Card Game

Gambling is easily one of the most ancient sports if it may be called a sport at all, seeing that every one of us is taking a gamble in every step of his or her life. In ancient times, starting with the regal Indian game of Pasha, gambling games were mainly based on rolling the die. However, with time came the playing cards and today card games are an integral part of most gambling houses around the world. Poker, along with blackjack, is not only one of the most popular forms of gambling but may be considered as a classic casino card game.

Basic Rules of Poker

The basic idea of poker is to capture as many chips as possible and knock out the other players by making them lose all their chips. Each player is dealt out to cards. Every hand is started by a forced bet (an ante or a blind) which may then be called or raised by the other players. The game continues between the players who have invested in the pot until the dealer deals out five cards which are common to all the players. Before the river card (the fifth of the community cards) is dealt out a player is free to exercise any one of three options at any stage: he may raise the bet, check (continue playing with the same bet) or fold that is forfeited the investment in the plot and terminate his interest in the game. The winner is decided by a hierarchy of hands amongst the players who have not folded their hands.

Popularity of Poker

Poker is easily one of the most popular forms of gambling and because of the skills required on the part of the players some people also consider it to be a mainstream sport. It is one of the few forms of gambling that is played in the form of a competitive tournament, as organized by the World Poker Tour. The fact that poker and has almost 100 different variations is another testimony to its popularity. The most popular and accepted […]

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