Ranking the Nominees for the 2021 Poker Hall of Fame: Two Standouts, One Slot

The nominees for induction into the Poker Hall of Fame for 2021 were announced last week and as is usual for the nominees, it was an incredibly special list. Any and all of the men nominated would be viable inductees, with obvious qualities that would set them apart. As my friend and colleague Dan Katz put it so eloquently, “ All are legends in their own right .”

That does not prevent us, however, from ranking them as to their viability for election. Some of the nominees on this list for the 2021 Poker Hall of Fame rank a bit higher on the spectrum (AKA have more of a credible chance for election) than others. With that in mind, we are going to rank them out and see just who will be inducted on November 17.

Before we get started, however, we must take the WSOP and Caesars to task. Only inducting one person, as they did last year, is completely idiotic. You have people that stretch back to the formative days of poker that are deserving of induction, not to mention that many who started their careers in the Aughts are coming up on that magical 40-year-old line for being eligible for induction. The Poker Hall of Fame should be inducting a MINIMUM of two people per year, and I would even advocate for a “Veteran’s Committee” (encompassing potential inductees pre-1995) that would choose one inductee themselves. Maybe next year the WSOP will wise up to this fact – THEN we can talk about an actual PHYSICAL POKER HALL OF FAME.

Without further ado, here is the ranking of the ten nominees for the 2021 Poker Hall of Fame:

10. Mike Matusow – Matusow is an entertainer. He has had some success on the felt. He has also been close to or actually broke several times in his career. He is not someone you would hold up and say, “This is the epitome of a poker player.” And, considering the list of players he is up against in 2021, he is probably not even the best player.

9. Layne Flack – While I […]

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