Poker is a stable of gambling games, both online and at the casino. It blends simple rules and fast play with strategic value and tricky social dynamics. Online poker is its own beast, however, often stripping away the social elements because you can’t see faces. There are games in which webcam is used, but even that is subject to strength of internet connection. So it is that you need to up your technique and learn to bluff through your plays instead of your attitude.

As New York moves towards legalized sports betting, you’ll see New York betting sites focus more on the sports side of things. You won’t see most casino games, however, as NY doesn’t allow them. Poker gets an exception thanks to global betting sites that host it. So if you’re looking to make some extra money in NY, online poker might be for you.

Don’t Try To Beat Skilled Players

The best way to make money in poker is to win consistently. And the easiest way to do that is to play with people who are worse than you. If you find yourself in a game with a really good player, leave. This might not sound too honorable, but your goal is to get cash, not to become a celebrated poker star. Look especially for players who take a long time to decide or play to rashly. These uncertain and/or cocky players are prime to make mistakes that you can cash in on.

Bluffing Without Acting

Hollywood tells us that bluffing is lying really well and leading opponents into risky traps. The truth is that bluffing is about buying time to turn a decent hand into a winning one.

You want to go for the bluff when your hand is one card short of something great. If you were dealt nothing of value, then just fold. There’s no shame in pulling out early and saving your chip. The key to bluffing is keeping the game going for when you draw better cards or your opponent folds because they have nothing. The pros call this a “semi-bluff” as you’re […]

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