Women in Finance Are Turning to Online Poker to Boost Their Careers

In the long line of services promising to help women improve their lot at work, an entrant from a billionaire investor is attracting thousands of female financial professionals from around the world.

Poker Power is a dozen course program created by long-time trader Jenny Just that uses the card game to teach risk-taking and negotiation techniques. Lessons, taught by seasoned players, start with basic skills, like how to read opponents and when to fold. Users then adapt those techniques to workplace scenarios, like asking for a raise. Then, they play Texas Hold ‘em with others over Zoom. (No money is at stake.)

Abbey Perkins, the chief information officer at StoneX Group Inc., a New York-based trading firm, was drawn to Poker Power as a way to elevate the other women at her firm. She had previously worked with its founder, Just, and its messaging resonated.

“All-in sounds like throwing all your chips on the table. Well, it isn’t,” she said. “It’s about being committed to the position you’ve taken.” In May, she brought the game to her firm. More than 125 of her colleagues played, and many are still at it.

There’s no shortage of books, classes, and consultancies targeting working women looking to level up their careers. And while it’s unlikely that any individual action will put a dent in the gender pay gap or flood women into the C-suite, the lure of a tangible solution is strong. Demand among female MBA students for Power Poker at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Business was more than double the 100 spots offered. Almost 4,000 women in more than 20 countries including the U.S., Singapore and Taiwan have signed up to play.

For Cathy Jerome, a senior director in marketing for the Washington Wizards Basketball Team, the program blew other career-development opportunities out of the water. “There’s no comparison,” she said in an email.

Just, co-founder of Chicago-based Peak6 Investments, came up with the idea in 2019 with the hopes of recruiting more women to money-management roles, which tend to pay more. She’s had her own struggles with gender diversity at her firm — around 35% […]

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