A Closer Look At Online Poker In Spain

Spain has the most diverse online poker industry in the whole world. In 2020, the industry brought in a total of €76.5 million in revenue realized from online poker competitions or tournaments. An additional €34 million came from playing poker online for cash. These benefits arise from the “Spanish Segregated Poker Market” and the newest legislation “, Poker Liquidity Sharing Deal” with other European countries.

The popularity and recognition online poker enjoy today arises from the earliest gambling legislation. Spain gambling industry took shape back in 1977. The government went ahead and legalized all “Games of Chances and Skill” in 1981. As a result, the industry has long developed and diversified into the most complex and exhilarating for Spanish players. It is a fact evidenced by the Estrellas Poker Tour designed for poker players in Spain.

Online Poker Legislation Journey

Spain enjoys a fascinating legislation journey after gambling became legal in 1977. However, online poker became legal after the ruling authorities passed the Gambling Act of 2011. “Thinking it was freedom and a time to enjoy and partake in online poker, it came as a surprise to many to notice that only Spanish players could access the sites. No other international players could compete against Spanish players from for example slotjava.es . It was fun and exciting at first, but it would become monotonous later,” says one of the avid poker players in the country. The main reason is that the rules outlined in the act created a closed or segregated poker market!

In 2017, the “Poker Liquidity Sharing Deal” became a reality amongst major European countries, offering poker as a game of chance and skill. These include Italy, France and Portugal. Liquidity Sharing meant that players from either of these countries play against each other on the same platform and vie for the same benefits of winnings offered across an online site. Plus, if not a citizen in Spain, you can still play Spanish poker by logging into websites with the country’s prefix .es at the end! The deal retains the segregation and insulation on the poker market in Spain […]

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